15 barang
Terjual 2
Kab. Bekasi
Jakarta Pusat
Jakarta Pusat
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rs232 rs485 rs422 terbanyak dilihat
Serial converter RS232 RS-232 to RS485 RS422 RS-485 RS-485 Serial Adapter Lihat barang
(1 Ulasan)
Serial converter RS232 RS-232 to RS485 RS422 RS-485 RS-485 Serial Adapter | Rp100.000 |
Serial Adapter RS232 RS-232 to RS485 RS422 RS-485 RS-485 Serial Converter | Rp95.000 |
RS232 to RS485 RS422 Converter Wiretek | Rp995.000 |
USB2.0 to RS232 RS485 RS422 3in1 1.5 meter by WIRETEK | Rp375.000 |
ZTEK RS232 to RS485 RS422 Adaptor | Rp245.000 |
Ebyte ECAN-401 Serial Protocol Converter Can to RS485/RS232/RS422 Modbus RTU | Rp1.240.000 |
HF2211A Serial port server RS232 /RS422/RS485 to WiFi Ethernet Converter Modebus | Rp665.000 |
HF2211A HF2211 Serial Modbus RS232 RS485 RS422 to WiFi Ethernet | Rp615.000 |
Rail-mount SX1262 LoRa DTU HF Data Transfer unit RS232 RS485 RS422 to LoRa | Rp495.000 |
DTECH Cable Adapter USB to Serial RS485 RS422 RS 485 RS-485 db9 rs232 | Rp328.000 |
Data diperbarui pada 03/02/2025